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Best golf driver for begginner

best golf driver review hello and welcome to me and my golf wheel coaches Pierce and Mandy and today is my swing analysis Andy what are we talking about right we're analyzing one of your golf swing talking about the all-important clubface we're here on the 18 for the Esprit let's take charge of your game 
 now II's aware Andy that is footwork could be improved younger feeling that he's jumping a little bit when you hit in the golf course let's just watch the golf swing in full flowing motion from both views so we can see this now we can see yes when you hit the gold with nice golf swing we can see when he's doing this that yes these feet are moving around quite a lot in the golf swing but what we need to do Gregory is to look why this happens and when you say you're inconsistent so we're saying shot select shots right poor contacts so we need to look at what could be causing this so this is the area I want to look at though if we look at the golf club as it's coming through impact look at the amount of rotation he has with his hands through the golf ball now Andy we know when we see hands and arms rotating fast and the club head rotating fast through impact not bad for power but actually could be inconsistent so we then look at that and go well why is that the case so then we track it back and we look at the clubface so we can actually see now the clubface going through his backswing is in an open position now why do we know that this club face is open or what's the cause of this clubface being open so if we now look at the setup we can actually see that is lead hand his left hand is actually a little bit too much under the club which is what we call an open clubface grip or a weak grip and you can see this is how we will systematically track back the result of the shaft - then what causes it through all the steps in the golf swing so we can see basically only we've got a grip a left-hand grip right then Andy swing analysis how can these guys enter the competencies can't return a second term right all you need to do post your comment down below tell us why you need a swing analysis and we will choose a winner in the next few days posted down below right now good luck with that right so we have Gregory more now Gregory more than 11 handicapper looking to be more consistent

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